This is a test of the scrolling field. This is just a test, in the event of an actual emergency, put your head between your knees and kiss your ass goodbye,. But not to worry, this is just a test.This is a test of the scrolling field. This is just a test, in the event of an actual emergency, put your head between your knees and kiss your ass goodbye,. But not to worry, this is just a test.This is a test of the scrolling field. This is just a test, in the event of an actual emergency, put your head between your knees and kiss your ass goodbye,. But not to worry, this is just a test.This is a test of the scrolling field. This is just a test, in the event of an actual emergency, put your head between your knees and kiss your ass goodbye,. But not to worry, this is just a test.This is a test of the scrolling field. This is just a test, in the event of an actual emergency, put your head between your knees and kiss your ass goodbye,. But not to worry, this is just a test.
Script Channel Commands
go to movie "SAM003A.MMM"Play "General"alert " To return to the Main Menu Âclick on the Main Menu button"play "Proper"play "Description"play "Dosing"Play "Early"Go to frame 1play "ani"play "Age"play "Effects"play "Therapy"Play "non"Play "Medical"play "Brand"go to frame "Main"Play "Ani"Play "first"Play "Person"play doneplay "dNote"play "bNote"play "pNote"play "oNote"play "uNote"play "Notes"play "cNote"play "description"play "brand"play"proper"play "dosing"play "before"play "caution"play "age"play "sary"play "effects"play "therapy"play "aary"play "cary"play "aNote"play "oary"play "pary"play "bary"play "dary"play "tary"play "uary"play "sNote"play "tNote"play "Caution"play "Before"SoSorryGo to marker(0)
1025: Palette 1
1028: on mouseUp end mouseUpSA4B851.pct
1029: SA4B980.pct
1030: SA4B982.pct
1031: SA4B983.pct
1032: SA4B984.BMP
1033: SA4B985.BMP
1034: SA4B986.BMP
1035: SA4B987.BMP
1036: SA4B988.pct
1037: SA4B989.pct
1038: SA4B990.pct
1039: on mouseUp genend mouseUpSA4B992.pct
1040: on mouseUp perend mouseUpSA4B993.pct
1041: Scrolling Text Field
1042: on mouseUp medend mouseUpSA4B995.BMP
1043: on mouseUp firend mouseUpSA4B951.pct
1044: on mouseUp nonend mouseUpSA4B996.pct
1045: on mouseUp earend mouseUpSA4B997.pct
1046: SA4B998.pct
1047: on mouseUpdicwinend mouseUppharm play.PICT 0030